Anyone that finds themselves with multiple balances on credit cards that have high interest may consider looking for a personal loan with bad credit. This allows them to transfer those balances and take advantage of a lower interest rate to pay off their cards. Sadly, many banks will turn them down due to their credit. Thankfully, there are ways to get a loan that will help them save money, even with that low credit score.
Whether due to financial issues, job loss, or just striving to build a good credit score as a first time user it is difficult to get a loan. The way credit reports work is always changing and there are many factors that affect a person’s credit. It’s important to stay in the know about how to build it, and what your options are. There are likely more options than they think. Here are some ways to apply for and get a personal loan with bad credit.
How to Get a Loan with Bad Credit
Having zero credit or poor credit is a major issue when looking to secure a loan, because that person is viewed as a high risk customer who may default. It’s important to accept that until the credit score is raised, one won’t be able to enjoy the standard lending guidelines offered by big banks.
For anyone that’s been turned down for a loan or who doesn’t want to pay monstrous rates, here are some options:
Consider a Home Equity Line of Credit
If there is enough equity in owned property, it’s possible to secure a tax-deductible, low-interest loan or line of credit that can be used in any way. The only downfall is that many don’t want to tap into their home equity as it puts the property in jeopardy if they can’t repay it. However, with a steady income and a bit of discipline then this can be paid off and is a less pricey option no matter what the credit score!
Try and Apply to Credit Unions
Credit unions are so much better than a regular bank. That’s because they are member-owned. Usually they are founded by people who have something in common whether it be living in the same area, or working in the same profession. They are nonprofit and have a sole purpose of helping members. They offer great customer service and low fees.
Borrow from a Friend
Consider what’s called P2P or peer-to-peer lending. There are even sites online that let a person borrow from someone directly rather than a bank. This form of lending is getting very popular and is quite simple. It’s a winning situation for both investors who want to earn interest and borrowers who enjoy paying lower rates. It’s the perfect solution when looking to apply for a personal loan with bad credit. Current rates with P2P lending are as low as 6%. That’s far lower than most credit cards.
Family Loans
If an online peer doesn’t pick up a loan request, there’s always a chance a family member might. However, it’s more than important to treat a loan from someone in the family just as a professional loan. It should be documented and recorded. A written agreement should show the interest rate, terms of repayment and collateral that’s going against the loan. It should also lay out all the actions to be taken if the borrower does not repay.
What About a Co-signer?
If one is searching for a personal loan with bad credit and they don’t have a family member or a friend that is available to offer the loan, maybe they would consider co-signing. This is when someone who trusts that the borrower can repay the debt would take a chance on them and be a back up to repay the loan should that person default.