When’s The Right Time To Call A Family Law Attorney?

The list of legal specializations is seemingly endless and the subcategories within each area make that list even longer. These studies can range from criminal and administrative, to international and even animals rights. While there are very specific areas of the profession, most attorneys find themselves following the lead of the market. Since family law issues are so prevalent, there is always a need for their services. So what exactly is it? When should you call one? Here are a few common reasons.

I Do, Not

Family law is also known as matrimonial law. Even though the marriage rate is said to be declining since the 1920s, there are still many out there who decide to tie the knot.

If you are considering marriage, it’s smart to think about prenuptial agreements, especially if you’re walking into a union with assets or inheritance. If you aren’t, that doesn’t necessarily mean this arrangement isn’t for you. There are many out there with well-paying jobs that will build a future asset. This is something you might want to take care of at some point in the future.

An attorney who specializes in family law can help arrange a prenuptial contract. In this case, you’ll need to hire two separate attorneys for the agreement to be valid. It’s also recommended to have an accountant take a look at the contract depending on your financial status. It’s expected to file and notarize these documents at least 30 days or more before you get married. This is the rule of thumb for all prenuptial agreements, and if you fail to do so, it may not be accepted by the judge.

If you’re looking to break the knot, the same attorney used to marry you should be the one to undo it. Your other half may seek their own private attorney depending on the circumstances, and you can guess that they’ll also specialize in family law. Keep in mind that each U.S. state has different rules and regulations regarding marriage and divorce. Be aware of fees as well because they vary from case to case.

If Children Are Involved

Family law also applies in cases that deal with family matters and domestic relations. Other disagreements that require an attorney may include child support or alimony, child custody and visitations between parents, adoptions, and in worse case scenarios, child abduction or child abuse. If a divorce takes place or parents of children are not legally married, a family lawyer can help settle agreements between disputing parties. Paternity testing or paternity fraud is also popularly delegated by these kinds of attorneys.

Siblings And Other Family Members

Marriage aside, other disputes, such as inheritance or property settlements, can occur between family members too. In all cases, think of a family lawyer as your counselor. When it appears that there is no other way to arrive at a collective decision, attorneys are there to step in and guide you to a contractual agreement.

There are many reasons you may need one of these professionals in the future. Understanding what they can or cannot handle will help you select the right representation.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Finding a Qualified Criminal Lawyer

DON’T bargain shop. Affordability is obviously a valid concern but don’t let it become your main priority. With your reputation, finances, and freedom at stake, it’s imperative that you have the best criminal lawyer who can protect your rights throughout the entire process. Attitude and experience are just as important as cost when it comes to choosing the right lawyer.

DO avoid lawyers who guarantee a certain result. Criminal law in Maryland, let alone any state, is complex and every case is unique. As such, immediately cross any attorney off your list who guarantees results, especially before they have evaluated your case.

DON’T be intimidated to discuss cost. You have every right to know how much this will be costing you so ask! Any reputable attorney will be able to tell you during the initial consultation how much you can expect to pay in lawyer fees.

DO choose an attorney who doesn’t speak legalese. Your lawyer should be able to clearly explain the charges you are facing, your legal rights, and what the process entails using language you fully comprehend. The lawyer should also be direct, honest, and upfront about the possible consequences you may face.

DON’T choose a lawyer who doesn’t address all your concerns. According to a Maryland Criminal Lawyer, your lawyer should be able to answer all your inquiries (whether via phone or email) in a prompt and timely manner. As mentioned previously, they should be direct and honest while using language and terms you can understand. Avoid any attorney who can’t answer your questions clearly or doesn’t make you feel relaxed and at ease while in his or her presence.

Lawyer Advice – How To Find And Seek Legal Advice From A Lawyer

With the explosion of the internet, finding the lawyer that you need for your case just seem to be the next natural thing to do since the internet is the leading source of information. Not only that, the Internet also provides the necessary information that you need about the lawyers to engage the right person to take on the case. By doing a search in the search engine, you will get listing of lawyers in which you can narrow down your searches to those in your area.

As the legal system is a complex system, it is better to find a lawyer to represent you even though you can be spending a lot of money to seek legal advice from a lawyer. In fact, it may actually turn up to be a good investment that can save you a lot of time, money and effort.

As every lawyer specializes in different field of the law, it is very important to find the right one who has the expertise and experience to efficiently represent a client in regards to the legal problem. This is especially important when you need good legal advice to protect your financial interests, comply with government rules and regulation for your business or keeping your properties from fraudulent individuals.

Thus, if you really need legal advice from a lawyer, you should approach the lawyer early as they would need time to prepare and analyze your case. You will find that things will be much clearer to you after talking to the lawyer and you will have a better perspective of the situation. You would also have a better idea of the decision that you may undertook and the kind of consequences that came along if you took that course of action.

When engaging a lawyer, do also consider the various factors that determine your lawyer’s fee as you wouldn’t want to have a leave a ‘dent’ in your bank account. Some of the common factors that affect lawyer’s fees would include advice, outcome, overhead, experience, time and effort, difficulty of case, prominence of lawyer, geographical location.

Communicate with the lawyer and agree upon the type of payment that suits your paying capabilities before you commence with any legal proceedings. By doing so, will ensure that you will have a smooth relationship with your lawyer towards the success of your case.

Know Your Legal Rights

Do you have access to the Justice System? Do you always know what your legal rights are? You are probably like I used to be when I had to answer no to these questions. Yes, help is available, but who should you call? Don’t you have to consider the cost before you call? If you don’t know your rights, you don’t have any rights.

Amazingly, 80% of the people in our country today are without legal help and guidance. What makes this even worse is that our society is growing more litigious day by day. The top 10% have legal counsel because they can afford to keep an attorney on retainer. The lower 10% can’t afford an attorney, so they are provided one by the state. That leaves the 80% majority. Going along through life not knowing their legal rights. Not being able to afford an attorney for anything unless it’s a “life or death” matter. No longer does this have to be true of you.


Things to look for to help you know your legal rights:

  • Preventative Legal Services – Toll-free telephone consultations with a lawyer on unlimited matters for personal or business questions. Letters/Phone calls made by the lawyer on your behalf. Contract/Document review (up to 10 pages). Will Preparation and updates.
  • Motor Vehicle Legal Services – Representation for moving traffic violations. Representation for certain motor vehicle related criminal charges.
  • Trial Defense – Help with attorney fees for defense of civil and covered work-related criminal charges.
  • IRS Audit Legal Services – Scheduled benefits from your Provider Law Firm to help defray the cost of audit representation.
  • Discount – Legal Services needed and not already mentioned will receive a 25% discount.

These type services are what you should look for to help you know and protect your legal rights. This way you have all your “bases covered” to take care of any legal situation that should arise. This helps “level the playing field” so you can have as good or better legal counsel than the top 10%. Many times, the top 10% just have one lawyer on retainer to call on, but you can have a whole full service law firm at your beck and call.

Lawyers, like doctors, specialize and usually concentrate on one area of law. Would you want a foot doctor to do a heart operation for you? Would you want a divorce lawyer to represent you for a traffic ticket. This is why you need a full service law firm available to you, instead of just one lawyer, to be there for you no matter what happens.

Want these services to protect you and your family?

If it Exists, There’s a Lawyer For It

Choosing a lawyer to represent your specific case in court can be very intimidating. It’s hard enough to decide what category of law your case falls into and if you’re hiring the right kind of lawyer to present it. When you are looking for a lawyer to bring you to court, be sure to see if he has any types of cases that he specializes in, apart from the type of law he practices. Having an experienced lawyer with you while you make your case can often get you the results you’re looking for.

Family disputes are categorized into two major types of law, family law and estate planning law. Family law focuses on the relationships associated with families, such as marriage, divorce, and children. A family lawyer would be hired to deal with divorce settlements, child custody and monetary support, as well as instances of domestic violence and other forms of abuse. Family lawyers are becoming increasingly necessary.

The other sort of family dispute deals with the transition of property outlined by wills left by a deceased family member. Estate planning law comes in when a family member dies and the time has come to distribute the total of his estate. An estate doesn’t only include property and money, it deals with assigning legal guardians for minors, wills, trusts, and powers of appointment. When dealing with the transfer of assets from the deceased, disputes often arise. A lawyer specializing in trusts and estates will be called to interpret the will and distribute the property.

Corporate law is designed to protect or prosecute actions performed within the realm of a corporation’s dealings. A corporation is an entity completely independent from the people who own it and keep it operating. They are treated sort of like human beings in that they can have crimes committed against them or be charged with a crime. Corporate attorneys specialize in the legal status of a corporations and are in charge of keeping an eye on the various transactions that corporations make throughout its lifetime. As a corporate specialist, a corporate attorney studies the legal rights and duties that are associated with corporations.

Civil litigators and constitutional lawyers make up two unique branches in law. A civil litigation attorney is charged with representing people who want compensation for an action or the carrying out of a specific action. In other words, litigators don’t want criminal punishment, only remuneration for what was committed against them. A constitutional lawyer addresses situations that might not be made explicitly clear in the constitution. Constitutional lawyers can be described as lawyers for the gray areas of law, for they are in charge of interpreting certain constitutional generalities onto specific cases brought to court. This sort of law can often become very controversial, especially when dealing with two interpretations of the same constitutional statement.

How to Work With Your Lawyer

1. Get organized. Prepare detailed written notes outlining your legal problem or questions. Provide the lawyer all the details, and let he or she decide what is important to your case.

2. Complete and honest disclosure of all facts. It is very important that you provide a complete and honest description of your problem, including information that may be favorable, unfavorable, or embarrassing. Leaving out a minor fact or detail could have a huge negative impact on your case. Only if you fully disclose the facts about your situation can an attorney properly advise you. Remember that there are strict rules that require an attorney to keep your information confidential.

3. Discuss fees. Your attorney will be ready to discuss fees at the first meeting, and you should be ready to do the same. You can and should negotiate fees and discuss payment plans with your attorney. Get your agreement in writing and keep a copy for your file. Most disputes about fees happen because there is no written record of an agreement.

4. Ask a lawyer questions. In order for your attorney to serve you better, you must understand all aspects of your case and the legal process. Understanding the process will help you understand how the lawyer is working and what type of information is needed on your case. But remember, you are paying for your attorney’s time. It is more cost effective to ask several questions at once instead of calling your attorney every time one question comes to mind. You may be charged for each call depending on your fee agreement.

5. Understand what you sign. Before you sign a document, ask your attorney to fully explain to your satisfaction any document. What can be clear and routine to an attorney can be confusing to people without formal legal training.

6. Keep your own records. Ask for copies of all letters and documents prepared on your case. You should also keep the written fee agreement between you and your attorney in the file. You may have to access this information at some point in the future so it is important to maintain records.

7. Legal advice. Give careful and thoughtful consideration to what your attorney advises. The attorney’s judgments are based on legal training and experience. Remember that lawyers cannot work magic. No attorney wins every case, and sometimes the best legal advice may not be what you want to hear. Your attorney will provide advice that has your best legal interests in mind. The central focus of any case is the facts. Each side will have facts that contribute to the outcome of the case. It is the lawyer’s responsibility to make you aware of the potential outcome of your case based on the facts.


Plan to go to the first interview with an open mind. You do not have to decide to employ the attorney with whom you are interviewing until you have had time to think about the interview and your experience in communicating with the lawyer.

When you go to your initial consultation, it is important to have with you a written summary, or detailed notes outlining your problem. The notes or summary should include:

1. Names, addresses and phone numbers of all persons or companies involved

2. All documents which are part of your case, including

a. Documents you have received from another attorney

b. Documents you have received from a court

c. Journals

d. Written Correspondence (includes emails)

e. Receipts

f. Contracts

g. Medical bills

h. Repair estimates

i. Checks, etc.

j. Pictures

k. Written notes detailing the history of your situation

The attorney may ask you to deliver written materials in advance of your first interview in order to have adequate time to review them. You may prefer to provide copies rather than originals at the initial interview. Remember that all lawyers are subject to attorney-client privilege and therefore, must maintain any information in strict confidence.

Next, prepare a list of questions for the attorney, such as:

1. Are you specialized and/or experienced in my type of problem?

2. Will you or one of your associates be handling my case?

3. Will you regularly contact me about the status of my case?

4. Will I be provided with copies of all important documents, and will there be a charge for those documents?

5. Will I be able to make the final decision on my case?

6. What is your estimate of time needed to complete my case?

7. What is the hourly billable rate?

8. What amount of retainer is required to request your services?

REMEMBER: When you hire an attorney, the attorney will be working for you. He or she should be genuinely interested in your problem and in giving you the best possible advice. The attorney may not be able to accomplish everything you wish because of the facts or the laws that apply in your case. Many times the best advice an attorney can give will be to avoid court action. He or she may suggest other methods to resolve your matter, such as mediation.


Here are a few tips about what to expect from your attorney. Your attorney should:

1. Give you candid, honest advice;

2. Tell you the strong and weak points of your case; this includes potential outcomes based on facts and your instructions on how to proceed

3. Keep you informed and follow your instructions, within the bounds of the law;

4. Protect and defend you to the best of his or her ability and to the fullest extent of the law;

5. While representing you, not represent any other client whose interests conflict with yours;

6. Provide you, if you ask, with copies of all letters and documents involved in your case;

7. Provide an itemized bill of all work done for you and all expenses incurred on your behalf.


The attorney will expect you to:

1. Be prompt for court dates and appointments;

2. Let him or her know how to keep in touch with you. If you have a change of address or phone number or place of employment, let your attorney know; and

3. Be completely honest — even if it is embarrassing to tell the truth about your problem.
Remember, what you tell an attorney in private will be kept confidential. Even confessions to past crimes or criminal activity are going to be treated as confidential by your attorney. Exceptions to this rule of strict confidentiality are plans for future crimes and continuing criminal activity or if the attorney believes that you have or will cause injury to a child. Attorneys are required by law to report suspected child abuse.

4. Not withhold any important information during the conversation that could be potentially damaging to your situation. A common tactic is for the other party to discredit you. Therefore, it is crucial that you fully disclose anything you can think of that could be used against you later on in the proceedings. Understand that even with the weight of the facts on your side, the situation could change if information comes out later that gives the advantage to the other party, because this information was not disclosed earlier to the lawyer.


The attorney’s fee depends upon many variables, such as amount of time, the difficulty of the work, the skill required, the customary fee in your area for similar work, the experience, reputation and ability of the attorney, and whether the fee is a set amount or contingent on the outcome of the case.

Some examples of fee arrangements include:

Flat fee: The attorney may quote you a set amount or standard fee that he or she has arrived at for your type of legal problem. An example of a legal problem that could be covered in a flat-fee matter is an uncontested divorce without children or a simple will. In addition, lawyers usually expect you to pay court costs and to reimburse them for out-of-pocket expenses, such as travel, long distance, postage, courier, or copying expenses. It is important that you find out what any fixed fee covers.

Hourly fee: An attorney may prefer to bill you by the hour and collect an initial retainer. Such fees may vary widely depending upon the complexity of the legal work, the skill of the attorney and whether there are time deadlines. If you agree to an hourly arrangement, you and the attorney could include a provision in your contract requiring the attorney not to exceed a specified amount of time or money without obtaining your permission. Insist that you be kept advised every month of the number of hours that the attorney is spending on your problem. You also have the right to ask for a written explanation of what the attorney did during the hours he or she worked on your case.

Questions about fees that you may want to ask are:

1. Can you give me an estimate of how much this legal matter will cost?

2. Can we have a written fee agreement that sets forth not only my obligation to pay you, but also exactly what services you will provide?


Based on your first interview, you should consider the following factors before agreeing to hire an attorney:

1. Could you communicate effectively with the attorney?

2. Was the attorney clear and easy to understand?

3. Are fees reasonable in comparison with other lawyers’ charges?

4. Did the attorney give clear explanations of how he or she will let you know about progress in your case?

5. If you are not satisfied with this attorney, do not hire him or her. Look elsewhere for legal help.

How Much Does It Cost to Hire an Attorney?

People often ask how much it costs to hire an attorney. The answer is “it depends.” Generally speaking, there are three fee structures or ways that attorneys charge for legal representation: contingency fee, hourly billing, or flat rate. The type of fee structure used is a function of both the particular attorney and/or law firm you consult and the type of case or representation that you require.

Contingency Fee Structure

Contingency fees are paid to an attorney contingent upon the result or legal outcome that he obtains on your behalf. If the attorney is unsuccessful in obtaining a desired result or outcome for you, then he or she does not get paid. Alternatively, if the attorney achieves a successful result, the he or she is paid at the predetermined rate or fee.

Contingency fees are most often used in personal injury cases. When you initially retain an attorney for representation in a personal injury matter, no money or fee is paid to the lawyer. Instead, you and your lawyer agree that if, and only if, they succeed in obtaining money on your behalf, they will then be paid a percentage of the recovered amount. This percentage differs by state and case type. Most often the percentage is one-third or 33% of the total recovery. However, in more complicated cases such as those involving malpractice or product liability claims, or even less complicated cases that require litigation or the actual filing of a lawsuit, attorneys may require a contingency fee of up to 40% of the total recovery.

Contingency fees are very attractive to clients because they do not require any out-of-pocket expense for representation. It is important to note, however, that contingency fees are not permitted in either criminal or family law cases such as those involving divorce, child custody or other domestic issues.

Hourly Rates Fee Structure

Hourly rates are often charged by attorneys who represent large organizations such as corporations, non-profit organizations or other entities capable of affording legal services on an hourly basis. This fee structure is most commonly used in connection with corporate law, business litigation and insurance defense. Hourly rate billing is the most expensive type of fee arrangement for clients.

In this circumstance, you are billed on a monthly or quarterly basis for the time actually spent by your attorney or his agent performing work on your case during the billing period. Lawyers who charge on an hourly basis bill for everything to include, but not limited to, phone calls, copies, consultations, letters and email, research, court appearances, travel time, and any other time spent working on a case.

Before agreeing to an hourly fee structure, it is important to know what types of services are billed; how often; in what time-increments; and at what rate. Firms may charge varying rates depending upon who in the organization actually performs the billed service such as a secretary, investigator, paralegal, associate attorney or senior-level attorney. As stated above, hourly billing is most often employed by lawyers who represent corporations or wealthy clients. It is also used in connection with family law work; estate and tax planning; elder law; areas of civil law other than personal injury; and complex criminal defense cases.

Flat Rate Fee Structure

The third and last type of fee structure is the flat rate fee. With this arrangement, you and your attorney agree upon a flat rate for all legal representation pertaining to a particular matter regardless of the time and effort needed to perform the agreed-upon legal work. Some clients prefer this form of payment because it limits their financial exposure and provides them with certainty regarding the cost of legal representation. Lawyers who charge flat rates take the risk that the fee they quote will fairly compensate them for the estimated time needed to perform the required legal service.

In some instances, the lawyer may complete his work in less time than expected, and therefore, enjoy a financial windfall from a flat fee arrangement. Alternatively, and in many cases, lawyers underestimate how much time and effort is required on a particular case. In these instances, lawyers assume this risk that the quoted flat rate is not fair compensation for the actual work required. Flat rates are very typical with criminal defense cases. Many attorneys charge a flat rate for all pretrial representation related to a case, and then a second installment flat rate if and when a case is scheduled for trial.

Choosing The Best Attorney for You

Now that you have a better understand of the types of legal fees, the question remains: how much does it cost to hire an attorney. The answer is still “it depends.” Legal fees vary by geographic area; the type and nature of the case involved; and the particular attorney you choose to hire. Clients are often under the mistaken belief that all attorneys are the same – one size fits all. This could not be further from the truth.

Attorneys, even those who practice in the same geographic area and work on the same types of cases, are not alike. Each attorney has his or her own unique experience and background. For instance, some lawyers have a lot of trial experience and some do not. Researching an attorney’s true experience and background can be difficult. With the legalization of advertising for attorneys, many try to dazzle potential clients with fancy websites and colorful language regarding their skills and abilities. Don’t judge a book by its cover. Meet with the attorney in person; ask around about his or her reputation; and request examples of cases they have worked on in the past.

Aside from experience, lawyers also have different values and personalities. Some lawyers are more hardworking and dedicated to client needs and concerns than others. For instance, how many times have you heard the complaint that “my lawyer never returns phone calls” or “my lawyer is always out of the office.” These complaints do not describe all lawyers equally. Some lawyers return client calls the very same day the client leaves the message. Others work nights and weekends to be available to clients who otherwise work during the day and cannot meet with their lawyer during normal business hours.

The bottom line is that when it comes to lawyers, just like restaurants, automobiles and other consumer goods, the old adage holds true: you get what you pay for. If you prefer a lawyer who charges McDonald’s prices, you will certainly find one. However, if you choose to hire such a lawyer, do not be surprised if their representation has the poor quality of a McDonald’s hamburger. Perhaps you prefer quality and competence over discount prices.

Whatever your needs may be, take the time to find a lawyer who is right for you. When it comes to legal representation, choose an attorney who is qualified, competent, experienced, caring and devoted to your case. After all, what price is too high to pay for your rights and your future?

Legal Advice – Great Help In Times Of Need

Many a times, it so happens that we really are in need of something, the longer it takes. This is so true when it comes to getting the real legal advice. So then, how does one get the right advice?

There are a number of legal firms which have 24 x 7 service. Depending on the severity of the case, the fees may vary. There are legal advice experts appointed by law firms who also offer free advice.

With the advancements in the field of technology, identifying attorneys who will provide you advice is not very difficult. You will come across many websites who advertise their list of legal advisors and you may want to select from among them. the laws may vary depending on the country or the State and hence it is important to state the right pin code when you are seeking legal advice.

Many law firms put up their advertisements in business directories. Some sophisticated legal advisory firms which have a hotline facility or a toll free number also provide free legal advice and also the next course of legal action. Based on this advice, you can proceed accordingly.

Another very good way of seeking the right legal advice is to check with friends and relatives. If any of your associates or known people have sought such a help and have found it satisfactory, then you can rest assured of the credibility of the legal firm.

Internet is undoubtedly the best way to identify the right legal firms who will provide you legal advice. With the click of the mouse button, you will get access to a plethora of law firms. You will have to fill in the questionnaire or the online form and provide all the details and submit the same. These are not for free and based on the answers replied by you, they will advice what needs to be done next.

Some companies may not offer legal advice for free and you may have to enroll for their prepaid legal advice. Once the time limit is completed, you will have to again pay for taking the advice and seeking their services.

It is advised that you hire the services of an attorney or lawyer who is close to your place of residence or workplace, so that you do not end up spending time and money visiting their office. A good lawyer who is far away may not be of great help if he or she is not able to provide the information when required.

There are law firms who specialize in certain fields like accident claims, driving offenses, divorce, financial disputes and so on. If you intend taking legal advice for trusts and wills, then you need to seek a law firm which deals in this niche. You will be greatly benefited if you seek the right advice from the right people. Hence, selection of the right law firm is very important.

The lawyers will help you with the entire documentation. Just make sure you provide the complete details so that they are able to present your case perfectly.

A Law Firm for Advice or Representation

A law firm can be owned and lead by one single lawyer. He or she can find their own legal niche market and represent clients in small companies in the commodities industry, firms in realty or individuals in entertainment. A law firm can also be comprised of two or more attorneys who focus on one particular area of law such as family, criminal or finance law. These lawyers enter into a partnership much like how any other business is organized. But their goal is to represent their clients, not for the sale of a product; they are offering their legal services in a way. They are offering their extensive knowledge of and experience in a particular area of law so that clients can recognize their expertise and choose them over other firms in the area.

The choice of one law firm over another isn’t just about the retainer fee or finally cost of representation, it is about larger sums of money, property or freedom insofar as the outcome of the case which is greatly impacted by the preparedness and rhetoric of the attorney.

Frankly all areas of the law impact all areas of life from marriages and divorces to business contracts and estate settlements. Legal representation is useful to most individuals throughout their lifetime and to their family members thereafter. Therefore it is useful to find a law firm that can offer legal assistance with the negotiation of settlements; the finite details of business sales including acquisitions and mergers; and with in office counsel on a variety of matters that the client just does not know what his or her legal options are.

There are times when the attorneys are even held on a retainer fee so that whenever a family or business requires legal counsel or representation, he or she makes time for the research, investigation, hearings, and trail (as needed). And in other times a law firm can focus on representing individual clients or corporations in lawsuits and criminal trials. Either their client is being accused of a financial, fraudulent, adding, abiding or theft related crime and it is the lawyer’s responsibility to help their client prepare for the legal process ahead of them.

The attorney can do this by helping each client understand his or her rights as far as how they will plead; their right to testify or entertain any plea bargains. They will also help their clients with the understanding of their responsibilities such as, first and foremost, telling the whole truth, refraining from any form of perjury, turning over all evidence, completing all documentation and complying with all requirements during the time of their investigation.

Paralegal Studies Careers – Providing Critical Legal Services

The fast-paced excitement of a paralegal or legal services career is dramatically depicted in popular and syndicated television shows, such as “Boston Legal” and “Law and Order.” Meanwhile, the local and national news, as well as court and justice television programs, have provided coverage of high-profile trials and legal proceedings that have made major headlines over the past several years. With such easy access to law and legal action courtesy of the American media, it is no wonder that so many young Americans want to complete law degrees or paralegal certificates each year.

Like any career shown in the media – medicine, business, advertising, and so on – real-life law and legal careers do not always embody the back-to-back high-drama excitement portrayed on television. However, they are consistently interesting and engaging, requiring workers to devote focus to their careers. To get started in an entry-level legal or paralegal career (these terms will be used interchangeably throughout the article), a potential employee will typically need to have a degree – or have completed legal studies training courses or a paralegal certification.

Entry-level competition for any career, including the paralegal profession, can be tough. Students who have pursued a paralegal certificate or degree are usually considered to be stronger candidates for entry-level careers in law. This is because completing an education demonstrates that a student is mature and responsible enough to handle a daily legal services workload. Many schools in the United States offer a paralegal studies degree program to prepare students for an array of exciting legal careers. Some of the stronger programs are also approved by the American Bar Association (ABA).

The legal studies or paralegal degree program: What do students learn?

The most important skill sets that a paralegal or legal assistant will employ are good reading comprehension and writing abilities. The majority of a paralegal’s work involves reading and writing, and some legal documents or court briefs can contain fairly complex language and concepts. Besides English reading and writing courses, many paralegal studies programs require students to take specific classes in legal research and legal writing.

Strong research and documentation skills are other important components of a legal studies education. Upon completing a paralegal certification or legal studies career training program, students must be able to quickly and accurately find and interpret federal, state, and local laws, research legal precedents set by previous hearings or decided cases, and track down evidence that will support the case. Because the career opportunities for paralegals and legal assistants are very diverse, many legal programs require students to study several areas of law. Many ABA-approved schools offer classes in criminal law, family law, property and probate, torts, and civil procedure.

Many schools offer career placement options for students completing a paralegal studies or legal services degree program. These student-centered career resources can include resume-writing workshops and cover-letter coaching, as well as job leads – and career placement. This placement is often targeted in the area of the country in which the college is located. For example, a Los Angeles college might offer students placement assistance in Long Beach, Huntington, Irvine, Cerritos, or another city in Los Angeles County, California. Students interested in legal or law careers are most successful at the entry level when they use all of the resources their school or college offers, including career counselors and legal or paralegal job resource boards.

After the legal studies education: What do paralegals and legal assistants do?

Upon completing a degree and career training program, legal studies students will enter jobs with varying descriptions and duties. Paralegals perform many direct tasks for the rest of the legal team. A paralegal or legal assistant might be assigned to one lawyer or to a team of lawyers. For example, a litigation paralegal might assist the legal team in preparing for trial, which includes gathering and organizing evidence and court briefs; doing research and writing briefs for the case, and even preparing courtroom arguments or evidence exhibits.

Some of the documents a paralegal will write are dependent upon the area of law in which he or she works. Estate and trust paralegals are likely to assist in writing wills and financial contracts. Family and divorce law paralegals help write divorce agreements, child custody briefs, and hearing summaries, or or work with the courts in obtaining child abuse testimonies. Financial and corporate paralegals can prepare tax forms, work in government compliance, or write business contracts.

A paralegal might also be employed in the public or the private legal sector. Legal assistants and paralegals might take notes in meetings, help to prepare employee tax and benefits forms, and file records and major papers for the law firm. Some employees might have more opportunities to perform more extensive legal research, as well. Other employees might be in charge of determining whether individuals are eligible for food stamps, housing subsidies, social security assistance, and other benefits.

According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the need for paralegals and legal assistants is expected to increase more rapidly than average through 2014. This is partially because Americans live in an increasingly lawsuit-prone society, and partially because it is more cost-effective for law firms to hire legal assistants to perform the work of an attorney. A comprehensive education in legal concepts and applications from an ABA-approved or accredited paralegal studies or certificate program, a thorough, post-college legal career search, and the desire to work hard at acquiring increasingly challenging job responsibilities will enable a legal studies student to begin a fulfilling legal career.